It's Okay to Feel How You Feel Right Now

It's Okay to Feel How You Feel Right Now

However you might be feeling right now, it’s important that you feel it. Acknowledge your current emotional status. Embrace it. It could be “good” or “bad.” Don’t bottle it up or try to hide it away forever. Right now, we are living through a global pandemic, and it has drastically impacted life around the world. That is a valid reason to feel how you are currently feeling.

You could be stressed. You can be overwhelmed. You can be afraid for your health and the livelihood of your loved ones. You can be anxious about having to go to work in public, especially if you are a health care worker, food service worker, or anyone who still physically works with the general public. You can be worried about adjusting to working remotely or having to help your kids with distance learning. You can worry about having enough money or supplies to get you through the next month, or even week.

I get that you may not like feeling how you are feeling right now. When I’m anxious, I don’t like feeling anxious. But when I do, I recognize that I am feeling anxiety, think of why I am experiencing it,, and give myself permission to feel that way. It doesn’t mean that I have to feel that way forever, but for however long I need to healthily process it, that’s how much time I’m going to give myself.

You are human. You have a heart capable of so many feelings. It’s natural to have emotional reactions to what is currently going on around you. Your feelings, whatever they may currently be, are valid, and should be embraced.

Roderick Conwi writes at Nourishment Notes about lifestyle development. He is also the author of The Procrastinator's Quick Guide To Getting It Done. To get powerful insights that enhance your day, join his free newsletter.

I’m Optimistic, Cautiously Optimistic

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