You are Complex, Deep, and Multi-Talented

You are Complex, Deep, and Multi-Talented

For some reason, our society likes to label people as one thing. We're usually labeled by our job, as if our occupation somehow sums up our experiences, character complexity, and worth. Some of us are narrowly labeled only as parents; mothers and fathers, but not seen as more than that, especially if you're a stay-at-home parent, as if that's all we are valued as.

Well, I'm here to say that you are more than one thing. You're more than just a man, woman, father, mother, stay-at-home parent, cashier, custodian, or any other job. You're much more than that. Inside of you, lie oceans of experiences and memories, deep thoughts, and ideas that can change the world. Don't let anyone, especially yourself, fall into the trap of thinking your existence can be summed up into a singularity. Falling in would be an offense to your self-worth.

Not long ago, I made the mistake of saying, "I'm just a teacher." It was a slip of the tongue and a slip of the mind. I know I am much more than that, but I still said it. Sometimes it's easy to slip into old habits. I knew that I was also a husband, father, author, and an artist, but in that moment, I slipped into that trap.

This trap of thinking that we are only one thing isn't something we can afford to keep falling into. We have many talents. Even if you're really good at one thing, you are also good at other things, even if it's not everything. With time, as you experience more and more of life, you grow in complexity, depth, and distinction.

You are a complex human being, and it's something you (and I) should always remember.

What makes you complex, deep, and multitalented? Write down in the comments below.

Roderick Conwi writes about personal and professional development at Nourishment Notes. He is also the author of The Procrastinator's Quick Guide To Getting It Done. To get powerful insights to enhance your day, join his FREE newsletter.

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