Time is Always Moving Forward. So Should You.

Time is Always Moving Forward. So Should You.

People often think that, as human beings, we are simply the way that we are, and that’s it. If you think of one of your friends as a carefree guy, you might easily assume that he is always carefree. If you knew him from years ago, he could still possibly be as carefree as he was back when you were younger. People tend to forget that people can change. As time passes, people grow, become more mature, smarter, and wiser. Most do, but unfortunately many people don’t. The idea of developing with time applies to everyone, even your hypothetical friend, and especially you.

As time goes by, I want you to realize that you are constantly becoming yourself. You are slowly becoming who you are going to be. Every single day, by your thoughts and choices, you are shaping yourself. You are shaping your life, while simultaneously shaping how others see you. 

This is a concept that applies to me too. Every day, I’m focusing on being more organized, more productive, and more present with my loved ones. I’m working on getting better at communication with my family and friends. Even though I have a master’s degree, I’m always working on my reading, writing, and thinking skills and constantly seeking new knowledge and wisdom. I don’t know how many days I have left, but I’m not going to squander them.

No matter what, time is going to pass by. You might as well use that time to be the best version of yourself that you can be. You can be productive or you can be lazy. You can be amazing or you can be mediocre. You can be living the life of your dreams or can still be wishing for it. You can be old with a well-lived life or old with an unsatisfying life. The choice is yours.

Roderick Conwi is the Executive Editor at Nourishment Notes. He is also the author of The Procrastinator's Quick Guide To Getting It Done. To get powerful insights that enhance your day, join his free newsletter.

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