Our Misunderstanding of "Dreams"

Our Misunderstanding of "Dreams"

Dreams are one of those things that people tend to misunderstand. For whatever reason, people think that dreams are either a vision you get while asleep (like enrolling at Hogwarts) or passive fantasies that are attainable only in one’s imagination (like winning a billion dollars from the lottery). In reality, dreams are nothing like that.

Dreams are bold visions for the future. They encompass our desires for the reality we want to create.

Dreams are life fuel. They give us purpose. They are the goals that hope, hard work, and faith drive us towards.

Dreams are fluid. They’re not set in stone. You can have more than one dream. The thing that people tend to forget is that you can have as many as you can imagine. You can change your mind and delete or modify them, and even create new dreams. The life I dreamed of as I kid isn’t quite the same as the dreams I have now. I achieved some of them, modified others, and because of my life experiences since then, created new ones to aspire towards.

Dreams exist in the realm of possibility. It is where hope lives and thrives. If you’re crazy enough to dream it, it’s possible.

Dreams are powerful. They are our vision for a better world and a better future.

Be bold. Dream big, and be brave enough to take action on them. Your dream may soon be your reality.

Roderick Conwi is the Executive Editor at Nourishment Notes. He is also the author of The Procrastinator's Quick Guide To Getting It Done. To get powerful insights that enhance your day, join his free newsletter.

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